Portrait - Initiatives
Shaping the future of the Swiss economy
‘Go for Impact’ is all about promoting collaboration between business, science, wider society, and the public sector. The new initiative hopes to help the Swiss economy reduce its negative impact and increase its positive impact on the environment – both at home and abroad. Founded in February 2018, the association is mainly concerned with raw materials and materials more generally.
The ‘Go for Impact’ collaboration is creating added value for the Swiss economy, with business, science, NGOs, and the public sector working together to facilitate new solutions. The association provides a platform for dialogue and a space for collaboration. It also acts as a networking partner and a catalyst for promoting pioneering projects – in a unique partnership and therefore with broader support.
Contact person:
Ms Linda Kren
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 368 17 64
E-Mail: anna.bozzi@scienceindustries.ch

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