Portrait - Organisation
Organization of scienceindustries
scienceindustries is organized according to hierarchical decision-making structures. These are shown below:
General Assembly
The general meeting is the highest organ of the association. It takes place annually. The General Assembly elects the members of the Executive Board and the President for a term of office of four years each.
The President presides over the Association and directs the Executive Board and the Director of the Association. He is assisted by the Vice-President, who is elected by the Board. Both persons form the Presidium of the Association.
Executive Board and Board Committees
The Board is composed of 12 - 20 executives from the member companies of scienceindustries. In addition to their work on the Executive Board, the members of the Executive Board are also involved in the thematically structured Executive Board Committees, which deal with the individual thematic transactions for the attention of the entire Executive Board.
Committees and working groups
Under each board committee there are committees and working groups with similar topics. Working groups are formed when the complexity of a specific subject area makes this necessary.
The office is responsible for the management of scienceindustries. It carries out the tasks delegated
by the General Assembly or the Executive Board and shall take the necessary steps as set out in
their competence and responsibility.
Further information on the organization of scienceindustries can be found in the bylaws.

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